Jigsaw Part II
By Ted Miller Brogden
M E Publishing
Reviewed by Keith Jones
Part 1 spoiler alert – if you have not read Jigsaw (Part I), proceed to your favorite book source and order it now. Then come back and read this. You will thank me later.
The shock ending of Jigsaw (Part I) segues into a surprise beginning to Jigsaw Part II. Cape Thomas’s seemingly mortal bullet to the brain, as it turns out, was not so mortal after all. In Part I, Captain Cape Thomas had struggled to solve a mystery. In so doing, he discovered that he had a whole family he was unaware of, complete with a grown daughter. Then as quickly as this new life is found, it is snatched away in what the reader is led to believe is Cape’s final act of altruism. A bullet intended for Cape’s daughter Jana, is intercepted by Cape as he jumps in front of her.
As this book begins, we discover that Cape is alive and has been in a coma for three years. Cape leaves the hospital with one goal in mind: regaining his job as a 747 captain at Aeromax Airlines. Cape slowly regains his health only to find himself in the middle of a new mystery. This one deadlier than the last, in fact it may threaten his entire family. Cape has a deadly stalker, but despite numerous opportunities, this pursuer passes on the chance to kill Cape. Instead, those close to him appear to be at greater risk. No knowing who to trust, Cape navigates a landscape between faith and doubt in Detective Darius Martin and Sheriff Scarlett Dubois. These challenges force Cape to reevaluate his priorities. Can Cape solve the mystery in time to save those dearest to him? Will he regain his flight status and job? Which kind of life will Cape want to end up living? Will all of this be snatched away from him once more.
This book is liable to cause you to have more than one late night as you chase down these answers. Like in his previous books, Jigsaw (Part I) and The Last Kincaid, Ted Miller Brogden totally rocks the landscape of Eastern North Carolina in Jigsaw Part II.